
Saturday, January 3, 2009


being happy isn't having everything in your life be perfect

maybe it's about stringing together all the little things

and make it those count fos more than the bad stuff

maybe we just get through it
and that's all we can ask for


the sisterhood of the traveling pants


  1. aku udah liat mba' film na...
    bagus ya... :)

    tapi koq aku lupa itu kalimatnya siapa ya??? hhehehe

  2. ^_^ bagaimana kalau saya sarankan film 'Life is Beautiful'..

    Soalnya benar - benar memberikan suatu perspektif sih... bahwa dalam kondisi apapun... dengan sudut pandang yang berbeda... ternyata life can be so beautiful...

    Halah... english gw kan 4.5 di raport dulu...

  3. adoh.. tak mbukak kamus sik...
    Wah, jeng inge. Maapkeun daku...
    baru sempet nengok kemari.
    Suibuk pisan nih...
    Mu up.
    Tetep jadi silent reader kok.
    Loph you... muah
    *ngrayu sambil bawa es krim connelo dimakan sendiri*


makaci udah mampir di CyBer dReaM bOx
berbagi yukz, lewat komentar ^^
*moderasi dulu yah :p*
happy blogging ^^

no SPAM yak >.<

have a nice day everydaaaaaay ^^